Monday, January 28, 2008

Where Do We Go From Here?!?

Now that work is officially done, we have a week to play around. A group of us plans to leave early tomorrow (4 a.m.!) to catch a bus to Mole, a natural wildlife preserve in the northwest. I’m not sure exactly which animals we can expect to see this time of year, but I do know that elephants are among them. I’ll try my best to avoid animal attacks (not sure if they have cougars, but I’ll be keeping my eyes open).

We then return to Tamale for another night before we head down south. Our first destination I cannot pronounce or even spell, but it’s located on the western coast. We’re staying at a place called The Green Turtle Lodge, which gets it’s name because sea turtles come up to the local beaches to lay their eggs. There’s a possibility this could happen while we’re there, which would be amazing.

Two to three days later we head east to a place called Ada, which also has beaches and is supposed to be quite beautiful. It’s located right where the Volta River (the largest in Ghana) hits the ocean. We then get a ride to Accra to fly out. I’m told all of these places are quite photogenic, so expect some good posts soon. I have no way to predict the Internet situation so things may be quiet for a few days every now and then. But I’ll be sure to write when I can!

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