Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We’re Home!

We’ve all made it back to Cambridge safely and are trying to readjust to life here in the States. The weather alone makes this challenging; yesterday’s temperature was -8 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind chill. One unexpected joy was taking a shower. Not having running water for the past week and no hot water for the entire month made the experience of a good hot shower seem truly amazing. It’s surprising how we take little things like that for granted.

I’ve actually gone back and sprinkled some additional pictures and video links in some past posts. For videos, look under the headings “Happy New Year”, “Goal!”, “Mole National Park”, “It’s a Tough Job”, “We’re Officially Tourists”, and “Where We’re Going”. The same videos are also easily accessible on my youtube account here. If this still isn’t enough to satisfy your African experience, a lot of my other pictures have been posted here.

I also wanted to take this chance to say thank you for sharing this incredible experience with me. We obviously had an amazing time, and I hope it has been just as fun to read as it’s been to write. I should also thank my adviser, Susan Murcott, for all her hard work and for handling the overwhelming logistics of coordinating so many students in Ghana. Also lots of thanks are in order to Carl, Kim, Mike, and the rest of the Peace Corps group whose help was absolutely invaluable. And certainly much credit is given to Dave B., as well as the two Peters and Shock from the Pure Home Water staff. I can’t even imagine how different this would all have been without your help.

And thanks for reading!


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