Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Local Mall's Dirty Little Secret...

This post has been a long time in the making but I wanted to make sure I had my facts straight before I reported it. I first heard about the Reykjavik mall's dirty little secret at lunch when a coworker told me...then a few weeks later another more reliable source confirmed it.

By scrounging around a bit on the internet I was able to find the evidence needed (thank you google images). Apparently the architect of the mall had a sense of humor because he designed the structure into a rather strange shape. Here's an aerial photo...
Yes that's right - it's a penis. The locals actually call it "the penis mall." I discovered this fact pretty early on, but the icing on the cake came when I found a pic of something much weirder. Apparently it was also designed to change colors based on temperature; how they pulled this part off I have no idea.
It's hard to argue that Icelandic people don't have a sense of humor!

1 comment:

Inspector Clouseau said...

Thanks much for responding to my comment on your blog. I appreciate it. I'm posting a comment on my blog this evening as a quasi-response to your comment. Look forward to further interaction.
