Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"Class" with a Capital K...

A funny story from this past weekend. I currently have two other roommates from the US, both in their early 20s and here studying for a semester. One of them is very much enjoying the nightlife, and thus he went out clubbing on Halloween. It isn't really celebrated here (no children trick-or-treat, but there are some parties where people dress up). The following day (Nov 1st) is a holiday in Spain, but it's called "Dia de las muertas" (day of the dead), and families get together and travel to the local graveyards in the morning to visit past loved ones. A much more solemn approach than the American holiday...

Back to my roommate. Being the typical American college student, he's usually much more into beer than wine. In all likelihood, he's never bought a bottle of wine in his life. So I'm in the apartment finishing up dinner as he's preparing to go out when he tells me with pride how good of a wine bargain he found earlier in the day. This didn't terribly surprise me because it's generally quite cheap here, but then he told me the amount and price and it did indeed sound extraordinarily low. I asked its type, and although he couldn't remember the winery the label translated to "kitchen wine". I tried to correct him to mean "table wine", but he assured me he was correct. He then retrieved the box and showed me with pride, and I had to break the bad news that he had been consuming a box of cooking wine all night.

The liquor stores were already closed for the evening, and not wanting to waste a half-box worth of "wine", he proceeded to put it in a plastic bag to hide its identity so he could drink it on the metro.

I was laughing for several minutes at this mental image, and I hope you enjoy it too.

1 comment:

Maria Th said...

Sounds like a man with taste! ;)
I found your blogspot at last (tells alot of my natural talent as a searcher)!
Greetings from Iceland!