Thursday, February 19, 2009

Delayed Gratification

Hello loyal readers,

As you´ve likely noticed, its been pretty quiet here for awhile. While the short-term reason for this is that I was on vacation all last week in Morocco (which will make some great later posts), the longer-term problem is simply that I am accumulating stories much faster than I can write about them. I currently have 5 such unpublished trips.

Unfortunately, this pace is only about to accelerate even further as my work ends and I exclusively travel for the month of March. Rest assured that I will have my camera in hand as I trek through Dubai, Oman, Scotland, and Italy.

In short, this blog is far from dead and should be considered very much alive, with some of the best content yet to come. It will be awhile until these travels bear fruit here, but I ask you hold tight on the promise that it will be sweet.



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