Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here's Johnny!

Hello everyone,
Greetings from California! It's been far too long without word on my end, but rest assured I made it through all the European and Middle Eastern travels safely. I am now taking some R&R and taking the opportunity to visit family and friends. It's mostly living out of a backpack and couch crashing, ironically enough.

One funny side note: my first impression when I stepped off the plane in San Francisco was an automated voice over the loudspeaker which informed me that we were currently at the threat level orange. The guy behind me mumbled to his friends, "Christ, do we still have to put up with this shit?" It was a great re-introduction into American life.

Despite the impending threat of orange, it is really great to be back. I'm mostly enjoying the small things, like being able to have long conversations with strangers. Partially this is because it is comforting to have everything in English again, but also because I encountered so few Americans abroad. Australians and Canadians were much more the norm...we (as a country) apparently need to get out more.

And now the good news - I do expect to be continuing the blog shortly. Some people may find this odd, but my desire to share my experiences with those close to me do not change even if they are a bit late.

As I mentioned before, I was behind in February even before I stopped writing. While this means more work for me, this is great news for you. You may be thinking there is only 1 or 2 months of stories to cover, but in reality the true amount is almost double that. The pace I publish them may fluctuate depending on circumstances, but my resolution to see this through to the end has never been stronger. So sit back, tell your friends, and expect a new posting soon!

And most of all, thank you for all your patience and support.

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